July Newsletter: How the Heat Affects Your Joints

Old man struggles with knee pain.

How the Heat Affects Your Joints

Wondering why your joints hurt when it's warm outside? Cold or rainy weather aren't the only culprits responsible for joint pain. In fact, balmy temperatures can affect your joints just as much as the cold.

Why Increasing Temperatures Can Lead to Joint Pain

Synovial fluid surrounds your joints, helping the bones glide easily when you move. The fluid becomes thicker or thinner due to changing temperatures and humidity levels. These changes affect the fluid's ability to cushion your joints and can worsen your joint pain symptoms. Joint pain and stiffness may be caused by:

  • Changing Barometric (Air) Pressure. Barometric pressure drops as humidity increases. Muscle tissue, tendons, and ligaments expand as barometric pressure decreases, which may trigger pain and stiffness. Barometric pressure changes may also irritate nerves in and around the joints, intensifying pain. Does your pain start just before a storm or cold front? Sudden drops in barometric pressure may happen before summer storms, causing discomfort for people with joint problems.
  • Dehydration. Increased sweating on hot, humid days makes it easy to become dehydrated if you don't drink enough water and other fluids. Fluid levels throughout your entire body, including the synovial fluid, drop due to dehydration. Dropping synovial fluid levels may cause pain, stiffness, and inflammation in your joints.

According to a systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Annals of Medicine in 2023, barometric pressure and relative humidity play a role in osteoarthritis pain intensity, while temperature doesn't seem to be a factor in pain.

Although temperature may not affect osteoarthritis pain, the same may not be true for gout. In a study published in The American Journal of Epidemiology in 2014, researchers reported that research participants were 40% more likely to experience a gout attack when the temperature was high.

Staying Comfortable in the Heat

If hot, humid weather aggravates your joint symptoms, these tips may help:

  • Limit Outdoor Time. Stay inside during the afternoon hours when heat and humidity may be at their peak. If you have air-conditioning, don't hesitate to turn it on, at least during the hottest part of the day or on days with high humidity. Plan excursions for the early morning or evening hours when it's not as hot.
  • Keep Moving. Movement can help ease pain and stiffness. Swimming offers the perfect way to beat the heat in the summer and keep your joints moving. Whether you prefer swimming, yoga, or another type of exercise, regular exercise strengthens the muscles that support the joints. Strong muscles improve the stability of your joints and decrease pain.
  • Increase Your Fluid Intake. Drinking water throughout the day will help you avoid pain, stiffness, and inflammation due to dehydration. Don't drink caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, as these drinks can cause or worsen dehydration.
  • See Your Chiropractor. Your chiropractor offers a variety of therapies that can help you manage your joint pain when it's hot and humid outside. Joint manipulation, massage, and other therapies realign and reduce stress on joints, improve nerve function, boost blood circulation, decrease inflammation, ease pain and stiffness in muscles and joints, relieve muscle spasms, and improve joint flexibility and range of motion.

Are you struggling with joint pain due to the heat? Whether you have osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or another joint condition, we can ease your pain and help you move more comfortably. Contact our office to schedule your appointment with the chiropractor.


American Journal of Epidemiology: Relation of Temperature and Humidity to the Risk of Recurrent Gout Attacks, 8/15/2014


NCBI: Annals of Medicine: Associations Between Weather Conditions and Osteoarthritis Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, April 20, 2023


Arthritis Foundation: Best Climate for Arthritis Patients: Humidity's Impact on Your Joints


CBS News: Excessive Heat Can Increase Pain, Inflammation for People with Various Health Conditions, Including Arthritis, Heart Problems, 8/4/2022



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  • "PAIN FREE! Over the years I have been to several different chiropractors. As a child, I was exposed to chiropractic care through my mother. Having arthritis, chiropractic was the one place she could get relief without drugs. Even so, not all chiropractors are equal and that was never made more clear to me than when I met Dr. Roy. Having complained of lower back pain to a former chiropractor, I was never able to get any relief. It wasn't until I started being treated by Dr. Roy that I was able to go weeks without pain. I even had a manual physical therapist tell me I had scarred tissue and would never truly be pain free. Dr. Roy's methods were new to me and I was a little skeptical at first, but after a month or so of treatment I was able to go for several weeks without ANY pain! I am a believer now and I will be coming back as often as I can!!!"
    Judy Reyes
  • "THE MIRACLE DOCTOR! A friend recommended Dr. Roy to me because I could hardly walk and I was in great pain. He took x-rays and treated me immediately and it really help right away. That was in 2019. He saw me twice a week for many months before I went to once a week. He has educated me on many different situations concerning my back and that's why I call him "The Miracle Doctor.""
    Mary Kathleen Weldon
  • "ALMOST AS GOOD AS NEW AFTER SEVERE CAR ACCIDENT AFTER 2 SESSIONS 5* After decades of chiropractic care, I thought I'd received the best possible outcome for my neck injury from a fall further exacerbated by a severe car accident.
    Little did I know that in just two sessions Dr. Roy would have me almost as good as new!
    Thanks again for hearing my complaint and knowing exactly how to adjust T1/T2/C7 areas on my neck for instant, long lasting relief."
    C Broadway
  • "NO MORE MIGRAINES 5* - Dr. Roy has added a massage therapist and I'm so excited to have that available for my overall wellness care. Dr. Roy always seems to put his finger exactly where I'm needing an adjustment and with his upper cervical adjustments, I've gone from 4 migraines a month to less than one a year! I haven't felt better."
    Chrystal R.
    Kelly B.
  • "VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS5* - I know Dr. Roy personally and he does a great job. He is an honorable man who cares about his patients and is an USAF veteran to boot."
    Col Paul S.
  • "TRUST THEM WITH MY BACK 5* - So love this place! Four days ago I came home from a long trip..my back from hurting from the travel. They were able to take me in for an appointment the very next day and put 2 ribs back in place. Besides that, I love the employees there. They are so refreshing and kind and I highly trust them with my back."
    Sara W. F.
  • "VERY PLEASED 5* - Visiting Dr. Roy's Chiropractic Clinic since last year and very pleased with the results so far!
    Thank you so much Dr. Roy!"
    Stephan S.
  • "BACK, KNEES AND HIPS BETTER! Since starting treatments with Dr. Roy not only is my back better and I now know what the issues are - his gentle chiropractic approach has helped my back, knees and hips. Thanks Dr. Roy"
    Susan E.